Vision & Mission | Focus Groups


We envision a world where excellent education is not a scarcity; rather it is freely available to unleash and nurture the creativity, care, and capacities of all our young people, preparing them to lead wisely in our ever complexifying world. As educators, mentors, and elders, we embrace the responsibility and sacred obligation to inextricably fashion into our educational pathways secular ethics, nobility of purpose, consideration for the greater good, and aspiration to realize our higher human potentials.


Recognizing that with the emergence of AI and other digital technologies, exceptional education and knowledge is increasingly available at our fingertips, we embrace the mission of redefining the purpose of education and realigning our educational system. Our mission is to prepare youth to be wise and compassionate leaders of the future by fostering their higher potentials, instilling in them a set of secular ethics (including care for the greater good, recognition of our interconnectedness, love and joy as the birthright of all beings), and teaching them the contemplative, inquiry, and communication skills to navigate the complexity of our world with vision, integrity, and love.

Focus Groups

Educational Technology

The Ed-Tech Track Focuses On

The transformative potential of AI and other new technologies in education. This focus group will explore how to build compassion and purpose into all dimensions of learning, and how to guide the use of ed-tech to enhance our students’  love of learning and sense of purpose. Inherent to the discussion will be protocols to train Ed-Tech with secular ethics, wisdom, and care for a larger purpose.

  • Enlisting Ed-Tech, AI, VR, AR to support and inspire students to reach their highest potential and value humility and humanity.
  • Understanding human learning, AI learning, and their best intersections.
  • Employing ed-tech to help eliminate artificial educational scarcity, redress inequities in access, quality, and aims of education.
  • Designing collaborative, experiential, project-based and immersive learning with the aid of Ed-Tech.

Contemplative Arts

The Contemplative Arts Track Focuses On

Exploring effective ways to incorporate mindfulness and contemplative arts into education, focusing on culturally relevant, supportive, and character building activities for diverse communities. 

  • Supporting students with mindful awareness, compassion building, somatic, and restorative experiential tools to build inner strength and outer stability.
  • Instilling a deep understanding of secular ethics and responsibility to the greater good, promoting respect and the value for our shared well-being.
  • Training students to cultivate calm, curiosity, and care, fostering joy, and ease as a central organizing principle in their lives.
  • Sourcing culturally relevant tools, perspectives, and language and re-valuing the inner arts.
  • Identifying effective means of scaling and funding the availability of these tools for all students.

Student Voice

This track focuses on:

The input from youth, amplifying their voices and vision. Youth will be given platforms to address the key issues that they feel need to change, communicating their lived experience and opening adult eyes to their realities. 

  • Transforming inequity, structural racism, and punitive practices in education.
  • Facilitating deep listening and engagement between youth and adults.
  • Fostering creativity and real-world application in learning, building in context that are fun, require innovation, and foster meaningful relationships.
  • Promoting humanity and respect in public education, improving relationships between youth and adult stakeholders in education.
  • Empowering, honoring, and uplifting youth while providing strong mentorship, guidance, love and support. 

Inclusive Culture

This track focuses on:

Identifying important and successful methods to uplift diverse voices, foster collegiality and communication, and establish shared respect and collaboration across difference. 

  • Developing and implementing education models that resonate with and uplift diverse communities.
  • Providing tools for mental and emotional  strength, trauma remediation, and wellness.
  • Identifying effective strategies for scaling and funding these models within regular educational systems.
  • Emphasizing conscious communication, tending to historical hurts and harms, and cultivating shared understanding.
  • Teaching that emphasizes our interconnectedness and the value of diversity, elevating the unique wisdom of different cultures, and fostering interest and respect.

Public Support

This track focuses on:

Outline key strategies for implementing pilot programs and transforming districts or regions. 

  • Identifying key strategies and upstream leavers to implement these new holistic and forward-looking educational norms on a large scale.
  • Funding pilot programs that go beyond partisan lines to test and refine new approaches.
  • Enhancing and aligning existing educational requirements with new goals.
  • Enlisting the support of passionate leaders and existing programs, legislation, and appropriations that align with deep educational transformation.
  • Communicating to the broader public about the need for new educational vision for students, our workforce, and society as a whole.