About Us

We are passionate education design thinkers dedicated to collaborating to improve the experience and trajectory of youth. Our mission is to develop an innovative approach to learning that cultivates inspiration, purpose, and care

Education Matters

Education lays the groundwork for the future. It reflects our values, shapes our aspirations, and guides the next generation towards their goals. At The Future of Education, we aim to create a holistic learning experience that brings joy and profound purpose, helping young people grow into wise, kind, and visionary leaders.

Time for

Our current education systems are outdated and no longer meet the needs of our rapidly changing world. Issues such as pollution and climate change, rapid population growth, the wealth gap, and resource scarcity are pressuring our planet. We urgently need to unlock human potential to respond to these challenges and to prepare our young people to lead in a future world we can’t imagine.

An Optimistic Future

When old systems fail, it also opens an opportunity for breakthrough changes. New technologies enable us to retool learning based on deeper values. Evidence-based wellbeing tools show how whole person wellness supports all dimensions of learning. By learning from the best in history and today’s visionaries, we can create a new educational culture that cultivates our young people’s minds and hearts.

The Future of Education brings together thought leaders from key dimensions, including:

  • Mindfulness and Contemplative Arts: Developing our awareness, focus, self-knowledge, kindness, and emotional intelligence. 

  • Educational-Technology: Providing personalized and immersive learning experiences.

  • Equity & Inclusion: Valuing diversity and ensuring students feel respected and included.

  • Student Voice: bringing in the perspectives and needs of youth to influence the design of their own learning.

  • Public Policy: ensuring the systems and resources to implement pilot projects and change outmoded beliefs.

Our times demand more than fixing old problems. We are called to teach ourselves and the next generation about noble purposes. Education that highlights our interconnectedness, fostering a sense of responsibility, authentic joy, and love creates a world we will all want to live in.